What equipment does Essential Energy Sell to Accredited Service Providers (ASPs)?
We can supply ASPs with materials or equipment to be used solely on the Essential Energy network and form part of assets gifted back to us upon commissioning. Some examples include Pole Mounted Transformers, Pad-mount Substations and Fabricated items.
Who can purchase equipment from Essential Energy?
Only ASPs can purchase items from us. ASPs must have a Contestable Works number to accompany orders as proof they have been awarded the project.
What are the advantages of buying equipment through Essential Energy?
All equipment supplied by us is approved for use on our network. When you purchase equipment through Essential Energy, you are reducing any ambiguity regarding the quality or suitability of the equipment and its acceptance during commissioning.
Do I have to buy equipment from Essential Energy?
No. ASPs are free to procure approved equipment from any supplier.
How do I browse equipment available for purchase?
The External Sales Customer Price List can be downloaded from the Document Library.
All approved materials can be referenced by downloading CEOM7004 Operational Manual: Standard Contestable (Approved) Materials List.
How do I collect / receive my goods?
Unless otherwise specified in writing, goods are collected from the Seller’s warehouse and the customer must pay cost of transportation of the goods.
How long does it take to receive my goods?
Different lead-times apply depending on the type of items ordered through Essential Energy. For lead-times on specific items please see the Procedural Guidelines for External Sales Customers.
How much does the equipment cost?
External sales will provide a quotation for equipment requested.
ASPs are charged purchase price plus markup according to Price Schedule for Ancillary Network Services item 4.3 ‘Sales of Approved Materials / Equipment to ASPs’.
Additional fees and charges, additional to the cost of Goods, may be applicable.
More information
Contact External Sales as the first point of contact on 02 6883 4596 or email [email protected]