Level 2 ASP Authorisation

Apply for company and individual Level 2 ASP Authorisation

All companies and individuals performing contestable work on or near the Essential Energy network must register under our Authorisation Framework.

As a Level 2 ASP, you or your company can perform construction of service lines between distribution systems and point of connection to the premises, including energising new or altered connections.

Follow the steps below to apply for Level 2 ASP Authorisation.

Step 1 - Gather supporting documentation

Complete the below supporting documentation before submitting your application form.

  • Accreditation with the Department of Planning and Environment, including an employee registration letter nominating the classes of authorisation you can work in
  • Current Annual Regulatory Training including the following units:
    • HLTAID009 - Perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. Required for all Authorisation Levels
    • UETTDREL14 /UETDREL006 - Working safely near live electrical apparatus as a non-electrical worker. Required for competent assistants, plant operators & telecommunications authorisations 
    • UETDRMP002 - ESI safety rules for work on, near or in the vicinity of electrical apparatus. Essential Energy Electrical Safety Rules required for all authorisations 
    • UETDRRF003 / UETDRMP006 - Perform pole top rescue. Required if working from a ladder or assisting anyone up a ladder
    • UETDRRF002 / UETDRMP005 - Perform elevated work platform rescue. Required if working from an EWP or assisting anyone in an EWP
    • UETDRRF004 / UETDRMP007 - Perform rescue from a live LV panel. Required for groundline work or assisting anyone working groundline 
    • UETTDRRF08 / UETDRMP004 - Perform elevated work platform controlled descent escape. Required if working from an EWP. Not required for a competent assistant
    • UETDRMP010 - Provide first aid in an ESI environment. Required for all authorisations  
    • UETDRMP011 - Testing of connections to low voltage electricity networks. Not required for competent assistants, plant operators or telecommunications authorisations.
  • Copy of your trade qualification certificate and transcript relating to class of authorisation being sought, these units will be required for
  • Copy of your qualified Electrical Contractors or Supervisor Licence
  • Current photo (Head and Shoulders)

Step 2 - Complete and submit the application form

Complete and sign the application form  
> CEOF6203 - Application for Authorisation (ASP 1 & 2)

Please make sure to complete the application in full. Both the applicant (Section B) and business operator or representative (Section D) must sign the form. Only digital encrypted or handwritten “wet” signatures are acceptable.

Complete the form below and attach all documents to register for authorisation.

An initial authorisation fee is payable upon authorisation. A renewal charge will apply every 12 months on your renewal date.

All charges are billed to the ASP's sundry debtor account. If your businesses does not already have an account, please fill in and return the form below.
> Application for 30 Day Account – Level 2 & 3 ASP

Refer to section 17.1 of our Price Schedule for Ancillary Network Services for details.

Step 3 - Attend induction

To finalise your authorisation, you must attend an ASP Induction. We will send you enrolment details for induction once your application is approved.

Inductions take place over Zoom and take approximately 2 hours.

Level 2 Class 2X Competent Assistant and Telecommunications Workers don't need to attend induction. As such, if you fall into this category, you will not have to pay the full initial authorisation fee.

Step 4 - Receive authorisation and Essential Connections registration

We will activate your authorisation once you have completed your induction. We will issue your authorisation ID card and register you in our secure Essential Connections portal.

As a registered user, you can submit enquiries, make applications and track open cases. Please let us know if your qualified personnel also needs access to our portal.

Complete the Level 2 ASP - Company Authorisation form

Complete the Level 2 ASP - Add New Individual form