High Load Permit

If you are driving a vehicle with a high load of materials or transporting large plant items, the risk of hitting overhead powerlines while in transit is real and needs to be managed.

Loads over 4.6 metres require a permit to travel through the Essential Energy network area.

Complete this form for all High Load Transportation Permits and Renewals.

  • - 12 business days notice is required for all applications or your application may not be approved.
  • - For all permits requiring an Escort please submit your application with 28 days notice.  

Use the NHVR Website to assist in mapping your route.

Applicant Details


Date of travel (dd/mm/yyyy) - must be greater than 9 calendar days or your permit may not be approved.


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Report an outage

If your outage doesn't appear on the outages map please report it online.

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