Don’t put your life on the line. Before you get onsite, plan ahead and check the location of powerlines with the Look up and Live app.
Business owners, machinery operators, and other workers working near powerlines should take appropriate actions to work safely near powerlines.
Planning work near powerlines?
The Look up and Live app can help you plan work near powerlines. This tool may help minimise contact and reduce the risk of injury or death from electrocution and damage to equipment and our electricity network.
The Look up and Live app is also available on the App or Google Play stores — providing powerline safety at your fingertips.
It's a simple tool to assist you to safely plan and/or perform work around the electricity network by providing:
- Overhead powerline locations and imagery via an interactive geospatial map
- Powerline safety guidelines, including powerline exclusion zones
- Options for planning or performing work e.g. powerline visual indicators
- Information on de-energisation or relocation of powerlines
- Safety advice and high load forms
- Dial Before You Dig enquiry.
Launch Look Up And Live
We have partnered with the creators of ‘Look Up And Live’ (Energy Queensland) and other Electricity Utilities by providing access to our Powerline network data for customers to be able to utilise the Powerline safety planning tool. Please use the instructional video provided for guidance on how to utilise the app.
Sign up to safety
Sign up to receive safety tips and advice from Essential Energy via email.
Useful links
Safety for agribusiness
Request overhead network maps
Order safety collateral