What is De-energisation or Construction Work?
De-energisation refers to disconnecting an asset or part of the network from the live electricity network, ensuring that no electricity can flow to or from that asset. It can range from basic switching services, to construction services involving disassembling and reassembling powerlines etc.
When would this service apply?
This service may be required when it is impossible to maintain safe clearances while working near powerlines or other electrical assets. Some examples include vegetation management or construction sites operating cranes.
What is involved?
De-energisation services will be unique to each circumstance and is initiated through a Request for Safety Advice made by the applicant. Service requirements can include, but are not limited to the following activities:
- Obtaining an Access permit for Essential Energy's network
- Documenting the switching process and programming the work
- Programming and Scheduling of work
- Switching of High and Low Voltage networks
- Notification of Affected Customers and NECF compliance
- Reinstate network testing and commissioning
- Travel costs.
How do I apply?
Customers do not apply directly for De-energisation or constructions services. When a Request for Safety Advice is made by an applicant, we may determine that de-energisation services are required to conduct the work safely.
How long will it take?
It generally takes two weeks to process a Request for Safety Advice. Once a safety solution is scoped and confirmed with the applicant, a schedule of works will be issued to the applicant by Essential Energy.
How much will it cost?
De-energisation and Construction services are unique to each instance, and can occur in combination with other services. The costs will be confirmed with the applicant prior to the works being scheduled. Some services will incur a ‘per job’ fee, while others will be charged at an hourly rate + materials cost.
Refer to Network Safety Services items 8.1, 8.2 and 8.5 ‘Work Near Electrical Assets – De-energisation of mains’ in our Price Schedule for Ancillary Network Services.