This storm season stay aware, stay safe.
Be prepared:
- Do not approach or pick up fallen powerlines. Keep yourself and bystanders safe by staying at least 8 metres away and call 132080 immediately
- Keep an eye on StormTracker so you can prepare for storms
- Before a storm arrives, recharge your phones and laptops to help you stay connected with radio alerts, family and friends
- Trim trees around the house. Do not attempt to prune trees in or near powerlines - call us on 132391 or visit essentialenergy.com.au/trees to report trees near powerlines
- Back-up computers and phones to keep data safe
- Consider alternative power sources for water pumps and cooking
- Make sure you know how to open your garage doors and gates manually
- Unplug your television, computer, modem and other sensitive electrical equipment during a storm and minimise the use of telephones and electrical appliances
- Keep a torch and battery powered radio in an easily accessible place in the event of a power outage
- Remove loose debris, which could become airborne in strong winds
- Prepare an emergency plan and an emergency kit. Visit the SES website, sesemergencyplan.com.au for more information and tools for creating your emergency plan
Keep an eye out for damage to the electricity network
Damaged or fallen powerlines can be hard to spot. Indicators of potential damage may include:
- flickering or no power supply
- burnt areas in paddocks or roadsides
- injured or downed stock
- smoke or fallen trees.
Call us on 132080 if you see fallen or damaged powerlines.
Always stay at least 8 metres from fallen or damaged powerlines and anything in contact with them and report the fault immediately.
Emergency escape
If your vehicle makes contact with overhead or underground powerlines:
- Stay in your vehicle and call 000 immediately
- If escape is necessary (due to fire) jump well clear to avoid contact with the vehicle and the ground at the same time
- When you jump, land with your feet together then shuffle or jump until you are at least 8 metres clear of the vehicle, powerlines or anything else in contact with them
- Do not touch the vehicle, fall or allow your feet to step apart
- Do not return to the vehicle for any reason
- Call us on 132080
- Remember to never approach a vehicle to assist in an evacuation and always treat powerlines as if they are ‘live’.
Download our Flood Safety fact sheet
Download our Storm Safety fact sheet
Find out more about Summer Safety
Find out more about Bushfire Safety