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Report corruption, maladministration or serious substantial waste

As a customer of Essential Energy, you should expect our employees and contractors to be honest and act with integrity. Essential Energy’s Whistleblowing Policy is designed to support people when reporting actual or potential misconduct. It outlines the process and support available for individuals reporting misconduct, and the process for Essential Energy to respond to these reports including protections available under the NSW Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022.

If you believe that an employee or contractor of Essential Energy has been, is being, or will be involved in corrupt or unethical behaviour, you may report the matter by phoning Essential Energy's Report Corruption line on 1800 808 322 or using the confidential online tool Whispli. Alternatively, if you have a complaint about Essential Energy’s customer service then please contact 132391.

Whispli is a secure and confidential whistleblowing platform used by many of Australia’s top companies to enable their employees, contractors, suppliers, and the general public to report misconduct or concerns that they may have that relate to the operation of their company.

Whispli is hosted on an external platform that will enable the secure and confidential two-way communication between a whistle-blower and Essential Energy’s Risk and Compliance team.

All communication via the Whispli platform is anonymous by default and remains that way unless the whistleblower chooses to disclose their identity. Whispli will allow an Essential Energy Case Manager to communicate with a whistleblower without knowing their identity.

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