15 January 2025
Amanda Heffernan-Buchan was one of the first Essential Energy customers to install a Stand-Alone Power System (SAPS) on her remote property on the NSW south coast. Initially, it was a quick way to reconnect to power after the 2019-20 bushfires burnt through the Eurobodalla region.
“After the 2019 fires, we had no power and this whole area was devastated by the fires. We had no water. We had no power to fight a fire,” Amanda says.
While power poles smouldered, Essential Energy offered Amanda the option of using a SAPS unit, comprising solar panels, batteries and a small diesel generator. The system provides her with a power supply without being physically connected to the grid. The solar panels provide electricity to her home with the excess stored in the battery for use when the sun isn’t shining, and the generator operates as a backup system when the battery gets low.
“We live in an area prone to droughts, bushfires, floods and hurricane winds. Our SAPS system just stands up to it and it's really reliable here,” Amanda says.
Essential Energy owns, operates and maintains the SAPS unit and monitors it like any other part of the network. Thanks to the technology provided by the energy transition, Essential Energy can increase power resilience for customers who live in rural and remote areas without compromising reliability. In fact, SAPS improve reliability, with the systems functioning independently of the grid, meaning they are no longer impacted by outages further down the line.
Essential Energy Electrical Technician Gerard Barton and customer Amanda Heffernan-Buchan with the SAPS unit.
Essential Energy Chief Operating Officer, Luke Jenner says the systems are a game-changer for providing better reliability for customers who live at the end of long spans of dedicated powerlines.
“Traditionally, if there's damage to that powerline from extreme weather events or bushfire, that customer will be off supply for long periods until the line can safely be repaired or rebuilt.
“With a stand-alone power system, those long spans of powerline can be removed, eliminating power vulnerability for the customer,” Luke explains.
And the benefits go beyond improving reliability. With the removal of long spans of powerlines, there is no longer a need to clear vegetation for bushfire safety, giving back those parcels of land to the native flora and fauna. The benefits even extend to all Essential Energy customers, with expenditure savings through a reduction in maintenance costs.
For Amanda, when the powerlines were going to be rebuilt to her property after the fires, she was given the choice to transition to a permanent SAPS. A decision, Amanda says, was an easy one, given the benefits of having a permanent power supply that is installed, maintained and operated by Essential Energy at no additional charge.
"Having a SAPS has given me peace of mind," she says. "I no longer worry about losing power during extreme weather events or any other time. It's a reliable and sustainable solution that fits perfectly with our lifestyle here."
Essential Energy is looking to roll out 400 stand-alone power systems across its network footprint over the next four years. For more information about who is eligible for a SAPS and how one can benefit you, visit the SAPS information page or email [email protected].