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Customers benefit from world-first collaboration

04 December 2019

Essential Energy has today welcomed a key milestone in its journey to be part of delivering a more affordable, reliable and sustainable energy system for all Australians. The Energy Charter’s Independent Accountability Panel has released its evaluation report on annual disclosure statements made by the 18 signatory companies.

Essential Energy CEO, John Cleland, said the report, titled Building Trust Together, confirms the extraordinary value of the world-first initiative as signatories from across the energy supply chain work together to build consumer trust and deliver meaningful change. The report acknowledges the industry has embarked on a journey to improve outcomes for customers and has identified a range of opportunities for companies to pursue together.

“We welcome the Panel’s findings and are pleased to have been recognised for our achievements towards the Energy Charter principles; in particular our customer segmentation model and the use of innovation that can help support affordability.“

“Our focus now is to consider fully the 32 recommendations made by the Independent Accountability Panel, to understand where we can further improve our customers’ outcomes and to work in a collaborative way with customers, industry colleagues and stakeholder groups to continue to progress implementation, ” Mr Cleland said.

The Independent Accountability Panel is led by Dr Wendy Craik AM, and is comprised of consumer, commercial and industry representatives. As an inaugural signatory to the Energy Charter, Essential Energy, submitted its first report at the end of September 2019 on its progress to deliver against the Charter’s five principles. Since the reports were lodged, the Energy Charter’s Independent Panel has met with signatory’s CEOs; run stakeholder forums and accepted submissions to inform their analysis. All the material can be found at

Media contact: Melanie Pope, Media, PR and Brand Manager
t: 0418 160 031
e: [email protected]

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