Media Release
20 August 2019
Essential Energy Interim Chair Robyn Clubb and Chief Executive Officer John Cleland yesterday held a productive meeting with NSW Government Ministers. They discussed the role of Essential Energy in being an affordable and responsible supplier of electricity in an evolving marketplace and the implications of future job reductions.
Essential Energy is driving efficiencies to help the business respond to the rapid changes being experienced across the electricity sector while delivering customers a better service at a lower cost.
Following the meeting, Essential Energy has been directed to place on hold the current workforce reshaping process and consider alternate options for savings, whilst still delivering operational efficiencies and continuing to lower network charges for its 855,000 customers as required by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER).
Essential Energy will provide information on alternate options for savings to the Government when finalised and work with the Government to implement its decisions.
Essential Energy’s business is regulated by the AER under the National Electricity Rules. This means it is subject to price controls determined by the AER, with prices set every five years.
Essential Energy believes lower energy prices across regional, rural and remote NSW are in the best interests of our customers and vital to support continued economic growth. Over the 2014-19 regulatory period Essential Energy delivered a 40 per cent reduction in network charges, and has committed to the AER, and its customers, to deliver further reductions through 2019-24.
Media contact: Melanie Pope, Media, PR and Brand Manager
t: 0418 160 031
e: [email protected]