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Basic Connections

A basic connection offer is one possible outcome of a low voltage connection application. At the end of the application process we will issue a Connection Offer letter to your agent who submitted the application detailing the type of offer given, any conditions attached to the offer and a link to the Model Standing Offer that applies to your connection. It is important that you read both the letter and model standing offer as these lay out the conditions of your connection and your responsibilities.

If you have received a basic connection offer, you can proceed to make your connection. Generally your connection can be made with no local network upgrade, but on rare occasions it may be identified that a local network upgrade is required after the Basic offer is issued.

Follow the steps below to get connected under a basic connection offer.

Step 1 - Engage your electrical professional/s

Depending on your connection needs, you will need to engage one or more of the below service providers. You may have already engaged this professional to submit your connection application.

An electrical contractor works within your premises, completing works such as:

  • installation, repair or upgrade of
  • consumer mains and electrical wiring on premises
  • switchboards
  • solar panels and/or battery storage (may also hire a specialist solar installer)
  • alterations to consumer mains, such as
  • adding phases
  • increasing load capacity
  • installation of standby generators and changeover switches
  • re-energisation of electrical installations disconnected for more than 12 months

A Level 2 Accredited Service Provider (ASP) completes works between the electricity network and your premises. You may need a Level 2 ASP in addition to an electrical contractor for works including:

  • new connections
  • temporary builder supply
  • meter box replacement or repair
  • changing the point of attachment, for example due to renovations or roof replacement

For more information about the different roles of electrical contractors and ASPs, visit our Support pages.

Step 2 - Complete connection works

As generally there is no requirement to upgrade your local network, your electrical professional can usually start your connection works right away.

If your connection offer included conditions, you must meet these before you begin construction. All of these activities are managed via our Essential Connections portal. Examples of conditions include:

Submit your Intent to Connect (ITC)

Your electrical professional/s completing the installation works will be required to submit an intent to connect after you have received your basic connection offer. The ITC outlines the service/electrical work requested as per the connection application and describes any site-specific conditions applicable. They will also be asked to provide estimated connection dates for your connection. Learn more about ITCs.

Establishing easements for service works

This applies if part of your connection works crosses land you have no right over. Learn more about easements.

Switchboard review

If the switchboard you are installing is rated greater than 100amps the switchboard design must be approved by Essential Energy prior to procuring it. Your electrical professional will usually liaise with the switchboard manufacturer on your behalf. Learn more about switchboard reviews.

Non-Standard Approvals

If your proposed connection does not meet Essential Energy standards or the NSW Service and Installation Rules your electrical professional will need to seek a non-standard approval from us. For example, generally we only allow a single point of supply for any individual lot. If you are proposing multiple connection points a non-standard approval will be required. Learn more about non-standard approvals.

Step 3 - Complete required notifications

Once your works are complete, your ASP or contractor must ensure they issue all relevant notifications. There are two main types of notification that may apply. Both contain important technical information, but there are differences in who must receive them.

Notification of Service Works (NOSW)

Level 2 ASPs must submit a NOSW directly to Essential Energy for all works they complete. They can do so via our Essential Connections portal. Learn more about NOSWs.

Certificate of Compliance for Electrical Work (CCEW)

Electrical Contractors must issue a CCEW for all works they complete.

By law, you must receive a copy of the CCEW as the connecting customer. Make sure you always ask for and retain a copy of this document for your records. You may need the CCEW in future, for example if:

  • another contractor needs to make changes or repairs to your works in future
  • a Level 2 ASP needs to review the CCEW to ensure all works are safe and compliant before connecting you to the network.

In most cases, the electrical contractor must also submit the CCEW to:

  • the Department of Fair Trading, except where the works involve:
  • repair or replacement of a switchboard if it does not alter load, earthing or method of electrical protection
  • re-energisation of electrical installations disconnected for more than 12 months
  • Essential Energy, except where the works involve:
  • certain types of meter installations
  • repair or replacement of a switchboard if it does not alter load, earthing or method of electrical protection
  • installation of stand-alone generation that does not connect to the network

The electrical contractor can submit the CCEW to us via our Essential Connections portal. Learn more about CCEWs.

Hazardous area connections

If the works involve a new connection in a hazardous area, the electrical contractor must submit a hazardous area dossier along with the CCEW.

The dossier includes a list of all the components used in the works. Since our team is not authorised to inspect hazardous areas, we will review the dossier and confirm all components are fit for purpose.

Step 4 - Connect

After we receive relevant notifications, we may inspect the works. Your ASP or contractor must resolve any defects we identify during inspections.

Our Fees for Basic Connections

The fees for NOSW processing vary based on the grading of your Level 2 ASP (you can find the grading of all ASPs on the NSW Government Energy Website. The fee for processing a CCEW is a fixed fee regardless of electrical contractor. Note that we charge additional fees should we identify a defect in your electrical professionals works and need to reinspect.

We have developed a knowledge article to help you estimate the potential costs of your basic connection. Your electrical professional should be able to help you understand which fees will be applied to your project.

For details, refer to item 13 in table 1-2 in our Price Schedule for Ancillary Network Services. You can find this on our Network Pricing webpage.

We charge and collect our fees from your ASP and your ASP will pass those costs through to you (they may directly pass the costs through to you or they may provide you with an upfront fixed cost that incorporates their estimate of our fees).

We will issue an invoice to your electrical professional at the time of submission of the CCEW and/or NOSW.