
The use of batteries across our network provides an innovative way to make new energy solutions available, harness rooftop solar and support regional NSW through the energy transition.


Batteries play a unique role in empowering communities to share and use energy for a better tomorrow.  Some of the benefits include:

  • Providing customers with opportunities to maximise their energy solutions 
  • Making new energy solutions available to customers
  • Supporting a sustainable and clean energy future and helps to accelerate Australia’s transition to net zero
  • Providing energy storage solutions to keep downward pressure on network prices  

Batteries can enhance the power quality of energy during peak demand when everyone is using power, alleviating network constraints. 

There are several different types of batteries, these include network batteries, community batteries, commercial batteries and behind-the-meter batteries. 

Network batteries

A network battery is connected to our distribution network and is designed to manage energy flows to optimise the network. By installing network batteries, we can defer capital spend to upgrade network capacity.

Our first trial network battery is located at Sovereign Hills, near Port Macquarie on NSW’s Mid-North Coast - the first on our 737,000 square kilometre network. Developed in partnership with AGL, the 2MWh Sovereign Hills Network Battery will help increase the amount of rooftop solar generation local customers can export to the network.

Community batteries

Community batteries support renewable energy and play a key role in allowing our network to transition to a clean energy future. These batteries store excess solar and share the energy back when energy demand is high and solar systems are no longer generating. Communities can generate, store and use locally sourced renewable energy, receiving better value from their rooftop solar. Read about our trials underway

Commercial batteries

Commercial batteries are connected to either the high voltage transmission or the distribution network.  These batteries are operated for the sole purpose of making a commercial return for offering energy services, such as energy arbitrage or FCAS services, in the National Electricity Market (NEM)'. If you are interested in connecting a commercial battery visit Major Connections

Battery storage

Battery storage (also known as household or behind-the-meter batteries) are installed in a home or business, and typically have a direct use for energy storage. Customers can store and use excess solar generated at their premises up to a capacity of around 10kW. Find out more.

More about batteries