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Unsuitable Trees

Most trees are unsuitable for planting under powerlines.

The following list includes some common unsuitable species:

Botanical name
Common name
Acacia species (large) Wattle
Acer species
Maples - not Japanese
Acmena species
Lilly pilly or Bush Cherry
Alnus species
Black & Evergreen alder
Araucaria species
Bunya-Bunya, Hoop or Norfolk Island Pine
Bambusa species
Banksia species (large)
Betula species Birch
Brachychiton species
Lacebark, Flame & Kurrajong
Caesalpinia ferrea
Leopard tree
Casuarina species
Cedrus species
Cedar, also Fir & Spruce
Celtis species
Cinnamomum camphora
Camphor laurel
Cupressus species
Cypress trees
Delonix regia Poinciana or Flamboyant
Erythrina species Coral-tree
Eucalyptus species (large) Gum trees
Ficus species Fig trees
Fraxinus species Ash
Gleditsia species Honey Locust
Grevillia robusta Silky Oak
Hymenosporum flavum Native Frangipani
Jacaranda mimosifolia Jacaranda
Ligustrum species Privet
Liquidambar species Liquidambar
Lophostemon confertus Brush box
Magnolia grandiflora Bull Bay Magnolia
Melaleuca species (large) Paperbarks
Melia azedarach White cedar
Palm species Palm
Pinus species Pine
Platanus species Plane tree
Populus species Poplar
Quercus species Oak
Salix species Willow
Schinus species Pepper-corn tree
Stenocarpus sinuatus Qld. Firewheel tree
Syncarpia glomulifera Turpentine
Syzygium species Lilly pilly or bush cherry
Tamarix aphylla Athel pine
Tilia species Linden or lime tree
Tipuana tipu Race-horse tree
Ulmus species Elm
Zelkova serrata Japanese Elm
ALL Tall growing fruit & nut trees


Download more information about unsuitable trees and why we may need to remove a tree on your property

Got a question?

Call 132391 and ask to speak to a member of the Vegetation Program Management team.