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Making An Application For Information

Under the GIPA Act there are four ways that information can be released.

  1. Mandatory Release
    Specific open access information is published on our website free of charge. This includes a register of government contracts, policies and procedures, media releases and annual reports.
  2. Proactive Release
    Essential Energy publishes as much other information as is possible, including on our website. The information is available free of charge or at the lowest reasonable cost. An example of this may be frequently requested information or information of public interest.
  3. Informal Release
    Information is released without the need for a formal application, unless there are reasons to require one. This may include requests for personal information by the individual concerned.
  4. Formal Release
    In limited circumstances, access to information will require formal access applications.

Formal Request for Information

You will be required to complete an application form, and pay the required fee of $30. The application must provide enough details to enable us to identify the information you are applying for.

Dealing with your request

Essential Energy must respond to your request as soon as possible. Within 5 working days we will determine if your application is valid and notify you. If we determine it is not valid you will also be notified, by us giving reasons and specifying other information.

Essential Energy must make a decision on your application within 20 working days. This time can be extended by 15 working days where consultation with a third party is required or if information needs to be retrieved from records from archives.

Request costs

The application fee is fixed under the Act at $30. Reductions of 50% are available in some circumstances as set out in the application form. The application fee for personal affairs documents includes 20 hours processing time. Anything beyond this will be charged at $30 per hour if no reduction is applicable. The application fee for non-personal information includes two hours processing time, after that there is an hourly processing charge of $30, assuming no reduction in fees. Processing fees cover time for locating the information, decision-making, consultation where necessary and any copying.

Request refusal

Under the GIPA Act, we can refuse your request if:

  • The information you have asked for is already publicly available.
  • You have not paid a deposit.
  • Your request would take an unreasonable amount of time to process.
  • There is an overriding public interest against disclosure.