Media Release
09 December 2020
The Independent Accountability Panel (IAP) yesterday delivered its second annual assessment of implementation of The Energy Charter principles. The report reaffirmed the importance of the Energy Charter model, a world-first initiative where signatories from across the energy supply chain work together to build consumer trust and deliver meaningful change.
“In making this assessment, the Panel has reviewed our Disclosure Statement, spent time with CEOs from across the sector, and received submissions from numerous individuals and stakeholder groups at national forums,” said Essential Energy Chief Executive Officer, John Cleland.
Essential Energy’s efforts to support customers during bushfires, drought, floods and COVID-19 have been recognised, by both the Panel and stakeholder groups.
The Panel also highlighted Essential Energy for having two “standout indications of a customer-centric culture being built: positive support for Indigenous communities, including through its apprentice program; and a personal contact approach to reducing disconnections.”
“Essential Energy is committed to continuing our customer journey and we recognise there are still areas where we need to improve, as reflected in the IAP’s report.” said Mr Cleland.
As an inaugural signatory to the Energy Charter, this is the second annual Disclosure Statement Essential Energy has submitted on its progress to deliver against the Charter’s five principles. All the material can be found at
Media contact: Melanie Pope, PR and Community Manager
t: 0418 160 031