Media Release
29 November 2019
Essential Energy has published its annual report detailing the outcomes of processes that help improve safety across the network. The report demonstrates the significant preparation occurring for the 2019 bushfire season.
The Electricity Network Safety Management System (ENSMS) is a framework of policies and plans in place to help manage the safety of Essential Energy’s network, which covers 737,000 square kilometres across regional NSW. With a footprint that covers 95 per cent of NSW, the network overlaps with some of the highest risk bushfire zones in the State. Managing the risk of bushfires is an important part of keeping the network safe and reliable for the 855,000 customers and communities served by Essential Energy.
The current reports cover the period 1 October 2018 to 30 September 2019 and provide details of incidents, vegetation management activities and the number of inspections undertaken. The reports also provide information on how Essential Energy has prepared for the bushfire season and highlights the importance of public safety campaigns to promote local community safety around the network.
The reports can be found here
Media contact: Melanie Pope, Media, PR and Brand Manager
t: 0418 160 031