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Essential Energy helps Primex mark 40 years

16 May 2024

The changing face of the future energy network in regional NSW will be on show during the 40th Primex agricultural expo at Casino in northern NSW from 16-18 May.

Essential Energy is one of more than 1000 companies attending the primary industry expo that is hosting more than 300 exhibitors and 25,000 visitors across the three days.

Essential Energy’s North Coast Region Community Relations Manager Raelene Myers says this year’s focus is to empower the community in three key areas: the transition to renewable energy, community safety, and Essential Energy’s aerial marker program.

“Many exciting opportunities are available for people in rural, regional and remote communities and we’re here to tell people about our initiatives in these three key areas,” Raelene said.

“As an integral part of regional NSW, we are also proud to be part of Primex’s 40th anniversary this year, which highlights our long-standing commitment to the community.”

Transition to renewables

Visitors to the Essential Energy stand can embrace initiatives to future-proof their economies by embracing the transition to renewables.

Our experts are on hand to have many constructive conversations with landholders and visitors on the energy transition from fossil fuel electricity generation to renewable energy generation.

This follows a series of regional development forums by Chief Operating Officer Luke Jenner and the Future Energy Roadshow throughout regional NSW by CEO John Cleland. Both events provided highly meaningful insights into the infrastructure already in place on the network as a pathway to position regional, rural and remote NSW a renewable energy leader.

During Primex, Essential Energy is also giving people the chance to make their homes more energy efficient with a competition to win up to $2,000 towards home energy solutions.

Community safety

Essential Energy experts are also discussing the importance of safety in the face of recent natural disasters on the NSW north coast.

From the Lismore flood experience, Essential Energy identified that providing customers the ability to have face-to-face conversations when in distress, is invaluable. As a result, a Major Event Response Team can be called on at short notice to assist with an on-ground response. This team provides trained Essential Energy employees who can answer questions on power restoration timings, reconnection of power, support and services, all located in evacuations centres and pop-up hubs across the impacted areas.

Essential Energy is also part of a Crisis Incident Management Team which includes the NSW Rural Fire Service, emergency services and police which meets regularly to ensure readiness when needed for an emergency.

Aerial markers

Essential Energy also encourages people to ‘look up and live’ as part of its aerial markers program.

An aerial marker is a 3D, rotating marker fixed to a powerline that can be seen from any angle, providing an excellent visual warning of an overhead power line.

Aerial markers improve powerline visibility, which can be difficult to see even on bright sunny days, but particularly in low light, rain, cloudy weather or at dawn or dusk.

Aerial markers on your property or site can improve safety and reduce the risk of potential damage to assets.

Essential Energy employees standing in front of a display at Primex

Essential Energy staff on hand at the 40th Primex agricultural expo in Casino.