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Negotiated Connections Chapter 5A General Information Pack

For connections that are greater than 1.5MVA to <5MVA Load or ≥30kW Rural and ≥200kW Urban to <5MW Embedded Generation. 

Connecting to our network

The summarised information below applies to all connections fitting under the following categories:

1. Loads greater than 1.5MVA 

2. ≥30kW Rural and ≥200kW Urban to <5MW Embedded Generation.

This information is an overview only. If you request further preliminary details, please register for the Essential Connections portal where you can submit a Preliminary Enquiry which will be provided to you at a cost. 

The Essential Energy Connections Policy (CEOP2513.06) provides information on how the Negotiated Connection Offers work, the Contestability of Connections Works and the process for works carried out by Essential Energy when they are identified as EE delivered (non-contestable).

Essential Energy offers Negotiated Connections for load and embedded generation that fit into the criteria outlined above. The Negotiation Framework available on our website, sets out the minimum requirements to be followed during negotiations between Essential Energy and a Connection Applicant who wishes to negotiate a connection contract under Chapter 5A of the National Electricity Rules (the Rules). 

If your connection is <1.5MVA for load or <30kW Rural/<200kW Urban, please view the Basic and Standard Connection General Information Package.  

Connections Process

Our Connections Process Guideline (CEOP8079) outlines the process for Loads, Embedded Generators, Generators and BESS. Costs associated with connecting to the Essential Energy HV network are also included in this document and can be found in the Appendix, under Price Guidelines. 

Any works delivered by Essential Energy as non-contestable will have a defined cost to them. For further information, please refer to the Embedded Generator Major Network Connections Costing Guideline (CEOM7817) to identify estimates of works and associated costs. Pricing for any Contestable Works carried out by an Accredited Service Provider (ASP) will be determined by the ASP.

The outcome of whether the works are EE Delivered (non-contestable) or ASP Delivered (contestable) is determined during the next stage (Detailed Studies). Once you have received your written Preliminary Response, if you wish to progress to Detailed Studies, you will need to request this via the Essential Connections portal.


The Connection stages for Loads greater than 1.5MVA.

High Voltage Load Connection Stages

Embedded Generator

The Connection stages for Embedded Generation ≥30kW Rural and ≥200kW Urban to <5MW.

Embedded Generator Connection Stages


The Connection stages for ≥650 Dwellings or ≥4MVA.

Developer Connection Stages

HV Connection Documents are also available on our website, which includes process documents, technical documents, and costing guidelines.

HV Technical Requirements for Chapter 5A (CERM1135) provides technical information related to Ch 5A Embedded Generators (EGs < 5MW) and assisting the proponent through the physical stages of connecting to Essential Energy’s High Voltage (HV) network.

The Network Pricing documents provide information on Essential Energy’s tariff costs. Chapter 5A projects <5MW don’t usually have a Site-Specific Tariff, as they default to specific tariffs, however they do apply in some instances, such as developers and larger loads. Under the National Electricity Rules (NER), sites with an electrical demand >10MW or load >40GWh per annum, a Site-Specific Tariff will be negotiated. Please refer to our Network Price List and Explanatory Notes for further information.

If you have any questions, please contact the Major Network Connections Customer Manager on 0265898568 or email the Major Network Connections team at [email protected].